In the previous episode of Game of Thrones, Ned Stark was executed, Dany went into labor, and Robb took Jaime prisoner. What does this next installment have in store? Let’s find out as we recap Game of Thrones season 1 episode 10 ‘Fire and Blood’!
Daenerys Targaryen

Dany awakened and learned from Jorah that both her son Rhaego and her husband Drogo had died during Mirri Maz Duur’s treatment. She after a period of grieving ordered aa funeral puyre built for Drogo. The next night, Dany had Mirri Maz Duur tied to the funeral pyre and it was set alight with Drogo and Mirri’s bodies ready to burn together. After the fire had been burning for a while, Dany walked back to her tent and got out her dragon eggs. She walked into the fire holding them. The next morning, after the fire had ceased, Dany stood naked but unharmed with three baby dragons clinging to her body. The gathered crowd, a hundred Dothraki and Jorah kneeled and swore their allegiance to the woman who had brought dragons back to the world for the first time in centuries.
Robb Stark

Robb and his mother, Catelyn were both deeply angered and saddened to hear of Ned’s death. The pair swore revenge on Joffrey, but only after Sansa and Arya were returned safely to them. Robb eventually decided to send Catelyn to visit with Renly Baratheon, in order to negotiate a peace agreement between the two armies. Catelyn agreed to go meet with Renly, but she stopped to visit with the captive Jaime first. The pair discussed Ned’s death and the existence of gods. Eventually, Jaime revealed to Catelyn that had pushed Bran out of the window, but did not specify why.
Tyrion Lannister

In a rage over the capture of Jaime, Tywin decided to retreat to the castle of Harrenhal. He also, reluctantly, agreed to send Tyrion to King’s Landing to serve as Hand of the King until Tywin himself was able to fill the position. Tyrion is also instructed to leave any women behind at the camp, but in an act of defiance, Tyrion takes Shae along with him to King’s Landing.
Joffrey Baratheon and Arya Stark

Joffrey, in his ever-present good nature, took Sansa to go and look at the mounted head of her father. Sansa was upset at the sight, but Joffrey vowed to mount Robb’s head next. Meanwhile, Cersei had taken a new lover, her cousin, Lancel. Lancel was excited by the prospect of riding off to battle, but Cersei largely ignored his statements and continued planning her next move. Elsewhere, Yoren had taken Arya to join up with his band of new Night’s Watch recruits. Arya was to pose as a boy named ‘Arry’. She quickly was bullied by a fellow recruit named Hot Pie, another recruit, Gendry, defused the argument and the group set off for the Wall.
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