In the previous episode of Game of Thrones, Joffrey agreed to spare Ned’s life, Robb set off to war against the Lannisters, and Dany enlisted the help of Mirri Maz Duur to try and heal Khal Drogo. What does this next installment have in store? Let’s find out as we recap Game of Thrones season 1 episode 9 ‘Baelor’!
Robb Stark

Robb entered the Twins and quickly came to an agreement with Walder Frey. The Stark army could cross and in exchange both Robb and Arya would marry members of House Frey in the future. Robb agreed to these terms and noted that Arya would not be happy about it. A few days later, the Stark and Lannister forces had their first battle. It was a quick and decisive victory for the Stark side, but it came at a great cost as more than 2,000 men perished from the Stark army. Luckily, Robb was able to capture the leader of this segment of the Lannister army, Jaime Lannister himself.
Jon Snow

Jeor decided to give Jon a Valyrian steel sword, Longclaw, as thanks for Jon’s life-saving actions the previous night. Jon went to the dining hall and learned about Robb’s attack on the Lannisters. Jon went to Maester Aemon to ask for his counsel on what to do. Aemon related the story of his former as Prince Aemon Targaryen, and tells Jon that he must make his decision on what to do.
Daenerys Targaryen

Drogo was so weakened from his wound that he fell off of his horse. Dany pleaded for the help of Mirri Maz Duur once again and she agreed to perform a blood ritual to try and cure Drogo. During the ritual, Dany went into labor and was carried by Jorah into the middle of the ritual to receive treatment from Mirri as well.
House Lannister and Ned Stark (King’s Landing)

Ned was visited by Varys and learned that Sansa had negotiated a deal allowing Ned to live at the Wall for the rest of his life in exchange for confessing to his treason. Ned reluctantly agrees to do so and he is taken to the Sept of Baelor for his public trial. Arya was walking through the streets and saw a large amount of people running in one direction and followed them only to find her father kneeling on the steps of the Sept. Ned confessed to his crimes and declared Joffrey the true King of the Seven Kingdoms. Unfortunately, Joffrey was not the most trustworthy of human beings, as he had Ned executed anyway. A flustered Cersei and devastated Sansa looked on with horror as Ned’s head rolled away from his body. Arya had been safely taken under Yoren’s protection, but instinctively knew her father had died from the sound of the crowd.
What did you think of Game of Thrones season 1 episode 9? Let us know in the comment section down below!