In the previous episode of Game of Thrones, Dany learned that she is pregnant with a son, Jon Snow began training with the Night’s Watch, and Ned arrived in the capital. What does this next installment have in store? Let’s find out as we recap Game of Thrones season 1 episode 4 ‘Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things’!
Bran and Robb Stark, Theon Greyjoy

Bran began to have dreams of a three-eyed raven. Theon strode into Bran’s bedroom and ordered Hodor to begin carrying Bran around. Bran was taken to the great hall where Robb was holding a meeting with Tyrion Lannister and Yoren. Yoren tried to get more recruits for the Night’s Watch and Robb offered as many as he could spare. Tyrion handed over plans he had devised for a saddle that would allow Bran to ride a horse to Maester Luwin. Tyrion decided to leave Winterfell and headed south.
Jon Snow

A new recruit to the Night’s Watch, Samwell Tarly, has arrived at Castle Black. Jon immediately embraces personally training Sam to become the best solider he could. Alliser Thorne was not fond of Jon’s actions and decided to torture the two by forcing them to do sentry duty for many nights in a row. Later, while Jon and Sam were cleaning the dining hall, when Thorne strode him and informed them of the true horrors that could be found north of the Wall.
Daenerys Targaryen

Dany and Drogo arrive in Vaes Dothrak and Viserys attitude continues to deteriorate. Dany sent Doreah to invite Viserys to dinner with her and Drogo. Viserys interpreted this as Dany ordering him around and he threatened to kill Dany. Dany quickly told him that she was pregnant and therefore Viserys was no longer necessary to her cause. Later that night, Dany confided in Jorah, her concerns about Viserys’ mental state.
Ned Stark and House Lannister

Ned visits Grand Maester Pycelle and begins to look into the research that Jon Arryn was doing prior to his death. Arryn was studying the lineage of great families and had whispered the words ‘the seed is strong’ just before he died. Ned with assistance from Petyr Baelish, found out the location of one of Robert’s bastards, Gendry. Ned went and met with Gendry and noted that Gendry had black hair. The next day, the tournament began and The Mountain accidentally killed the man he was jousting. During the joust, Sansa learned about how The Hound had been scarred as a child, from Petyr Baelish. Cersei visits Ned in the Tower of the Hand and threatens Ned with death, if he continued investigating things that weren’t his business.
Catelyn Stark

Catelyn and Ser Rodrik Cassel were returning to Winterfell after their brief trip to King’s Landing. While dining at the Inn at the Crossroads, Tyrion Lannister strode in and acknowledged Catelyn’s presence. In return Catelyn ordered all of soldiers in the inn to arrest Tyrion for his role in the attempted murder of Bran.
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