In the previous episode of Game of Thrones, Catelyn Stark determined that Cersei Lannister had tried to kill Bran, Bran awoke from his coma and Jon Snow arrived at the Wall. What does this next installment have in store? Let’s find out as we recap Game of Thrones season 1 episode 3 ‘Lord Snow’!
Daenerys Targaryen

Dany has become more comfortable with her new power over the Dothraki, she freely expresses it by forcing them to stop on a whim. Viserys does not take kindly to being ordered around by his sister, but is quickly set straight by Drogo. Later, Dany learns that she is pregnant with a son and tells Drogo of it. The next morning, Jorah learns of Dany’s pregnancy and breaks apart from the Khalasar to go to the city of Qohor, but will rejoin the group in Vaes Dothrak.
Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister

Jon begins his training as a sworn brother of the Night’s Watch by defeating all of the other recruits in a sparring match. Ser Alliser Thorne, the head sword-trainer of the Watch is saddened by the ability of the recruits and dubs Jon ‘Lord Snow’. Tyrion explains to Jon why Thorne is not excited by Jon’s ability and the pair learn that Benjen is heading north of the Wall on a ranging mission. Maester Aemon manages to convince Tyrion to talk to the King and Queen about the threat of what lies beyond the Wall and Tyrion agrees to do so. Tyrion departs for King’s Landing.
Bran, Rickon, and Robb Stark

Bran is still bed-ridden and is listening to stories of the Long Night being told by Old Nan. Old Nan warns that the White Walkers will return some time in the near future and bring about a second Long Night. Robb arrives and confirms, much to Bran’s disappointment, that he will never walk again.
House Stark, Lannister, Baratheon (King’s Landing)

The royal party arrives in King’s Landing, Ned is immediately taken to a meeting of the Small Council. During the meeting he learns that the crown is over six million gold in debt, over half of which is to Cersei’s father, Tywin Lannister. Robert has also ordered a lavish tournament to celebrate Ned’s new appointment as Hand of the King. Meanwhile, Cersei instructs Joffrey on how to run the kingdom when he becomes King. Ned allows Arya to train with her sword and even hires the finest swordsman in all of Braavos, Syrio Forel to train her. Catelyn arrives in the capital and immediately runs into her childhood friend, Lord Petyr Baelish, who agrees to hide her in his brothel. Baelish convinces Ned to come to the brothel and meet with Catelyn. She tells both Baelish and Ned about her concerns about the Lannisters. Ned and Baelish agree to help her find the truth.
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