Exclusive On-Set Photos from Italian Horror Movie Parasitic Twin!

Parasitic Twin: New Italian horror movie currently shooting in Rome

Our pal, veteran producer Ken Gord (The Brain, Starship Invasions, TV’s Highlander, Stuart Gordon‘s Stuck and many, many more) just dropped us a line from Rome, Italy where he’s developing an upcoming film and has suddenly found himself on the set of a new Italian horror movie called Parasitic Twin. Thankfully, he thought of us and — with permission from the production — sent us a few exclusive photos from the set and plenty of information about the movie.

From Ken:

“(Parasitic Twin) is a very creepy, atmospheric story about four girls, raised in an orphanage and connected by a blood oath, who go out to a mysterious island, not knowing they are passing through into another world. It’s an Angelika Vision and Augustus Color production in collaboration with Daniel Morelli, Baraonda Edizione Musicali and BMovie Italia.  Distributor is Midnight Factory, a new Koch Media company specializing in the best of horror, thriller and fantasy.

The director is Claudio Zamarion.  Fun Trivia Fact: He was part of the camera crew on Dario Argento’s The Phantom of the Opera almost 20 years ago.  He’s also worked with Martin Scorsese (Kundun), Bernardo Bertolucci (Stealing Beauty), Rob Cohen (Daylight) and others.  Now he is one of the new faces of Italian horror. (He’s the guy in the blue jacket in the boat still).

The script is by Franco Forte and Francesco Spagnuolo, the editor of Horror Magazine & Fantascienza.com. The film’s ensemble includes British actress DANI TONKS, Italian actresses FRANCESCA PELLEGRINI, GIULIA MARTINA FAGGIONI and ESMERALDA SPADEA, and Americans ANNA WARREN BUTTERWORTH and DORIS NIGHT.”

Very cool indeed as we LOVE Italian horror!  Check out the stills below (photographer: Romolo Eucalitto) and stay tuned for more from the world of Parasitic Twin!


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