Win a copy of the world’s best/worst horror joke book, BRIDE OF HA-HA HORROR!
Artist and writer Monstermatt Patterson is the Dark Overlord of awful horror-centric jokes and pitiful puns. And that’s why we love him…
BRIDE OF HA-HA HORROR is Patterson’s follow-up to his groan-inducing first collection of forehead smacking horror movie-oriented puns and lowbrow jokes, HA-HA HORROR and, like that book, the follow-up is designed to make you the life (death) of the party.
Of course, there’s the risk that instead of slayin’ them…they’ll slay YOU after you unload Patterson’s torrent of terrible (and therefore awesome) gags.
SHOCK wants to throw a copy of BRIDE OF HA-HA HORROR at you. Ready? Duck!
To win, email chris.alexander@shocktillyoudrop.com with the words MAKE ‘EM LAUGH! in the header.
The (un)lucky winner will be chosen at random.
And to hang out with the talented and witty master of bad jokes (and great art!) drop by his official Facebook page today!