Acclaimed home invasion thriller INTRUDERS comes to theaters in 2016.
Directed Adam (DELIVERY: THE BEAST WITHIN) Schindler’s acclaimed thriller SHUT IN has been re-titled INTRUDERS and will hit theaters and VOD on January 15th.
The film stars Beth Riesgraf and DEAD SNOW’s Martin Starr and tells the tale of a troika of crooks who break into the wrong house. What follows is a bloody riff on HOME ALONE as the home’s occupant, a timid young shut-in woman (Riesgraf) wages an all out war with the bad guys.
CRAVE Online said in their early review that “This is a movie to see in a packed house so you can all go on the ride together”. Even more incentive to see this pulse-pounder during its theatrical run…
INTRUDERS will be released via Momentum Pictures, an E1 company.