Lock the target! Bait the line! Spread the net! Catch the man! FRONT 242 on Ts?!
Legendary Belgian electro/Industrial band FRONT 242 have made waves into fan-interactive social networking and have started a page on the emerging social networking service Ts?. This makes the band the very first Belgian act to set up a presence on the brand new network which is taken the internet by storm. This writer hasnt had much of a desire to visit or join Ts?, but Hell, Id follow 242 anywhere
FRONT 242 joins the ranks of several other high profile acts from other scenes and sub-genres that have opened shop on the network, which reportedly is a lot more artist friendly than Facebook thanks to an unlimited global reach. Word on the street is that the folks at good old Farcebook are knocking their knees in terror at Ts?s surge in popularity and are blocking every link towards the social network claiming it is a security risk. Sounds a tad too Tin Hat to us, but if 242 is involved, Id be spooked too
FRONT 242 want to invite SHOCK readers to join them on Ts?.
Go HERE to join the veteran band that helped propel and refine the very concept of the sound of cyberpunk.
For all other things 242 go to their official site.
And feel free to groove on the wild Anton Corbijn directed video for the 242 classic Headhunter from the 1988 album ‘Front by Front’, below