National treasure Heidi Honeycutt rounds up her Top 10 List…of Lists!
Lists are an integral and important part of modern journalism. As Halloween rolls around, readers are inundated with lists of the top horror films, including top horror film deaths, horror films of the last year, horror films of the last decade, horror movie villains it can be overwhelming to know which lists you should be reading when there are so many on such different websites. Thats why here at SHOCK we have put together the ultimate list of horror movie lists so you dont have to wade through the muck yourself. Some of these lists come from websites dedicated to horror movies, while some are from general film and entertainment sites. Still, others are websites specializing in lists and rankings. We feel this is a well-rounded list of lists that represents the best of horror lists from around the web. If you feel we may have missed a list that belongs on this list, dont hesitate to write it in the comments section. Enjoy! We hope you have as much fun reading each and every list on this list as we had making the list of the lists.

11) HitFixs Ultimate Horror Movie Poll
HitFix did the unthinkable and asked over 100 of the most important horror writers, directors, authors, actors, critics, bloggers and scholars (except me) to pick their top ten greatest horror films of all time. Then, they used a special algorithm designed by NASA to tabulate the results thus making the definitive, ultimate, 100-film-long list of the best horror movies ever. The best horror movie ever? THE EXORCIST.
Check out the science by going HERE.

10) Crave Onlines 50 Best Horror Movies of the Century (So Far)
This beautiful list, co-curated by SHOCKs own resident horror experts Alyse Wax and Chris Alexander, and with input from renowned film genius William Bibbiani, lists the 50 best horror movies of the past 15 years. That means that 3 and 1/3 horror movies from every year from 2000-2015 ended up on this list! Accidentally, John Carpenters GHOSTS OF MARS (2001) ended up on this list (accidentally, my ASS – ed), but everything else is extremely accurate.
Check out the GHOSTS OF MARS-heavy list HERE.

9) MFF Reader Poll: 21st Century Horror Films That Dont Appear On Best of Lists
Horror films that dont appear on any lists? Theres a list for that. Moviesfilmsandflix.com lists really good films like DOG SOLDIERS (2002) and SLITHER (2006) and the list makes you go, Why arent those on any of the other best horror movie lists? Those are really good movies. Its a thoughtful and well-written list with input from 5,300 voters and voting options scoured from obscure Reddit posts and the comments on AV CLUB articles. Im pretty sure the author of this list is an autistic genius, as I have never seen this level of thought and care and intelligence go into any list before.
Dig into the Mensa-approved list HERE.

8) Heres 8 Of The Scariest TV Horrors From Yesteryear
Oh look! Its one of my own lists that I made for another horror website. This amazing list of TV horror from the 1960s, 70s, and 80s is just so amazing. This list has such thoughtful insight, such a great sense of concise knowledge, such art to it. This writer is so knowledgeable. Hey, did you ever hear of LATE NIGHT HORROR? This writer must be so smart to know about all this stuff. Even noted cynic Shade Rupe said of this list, I was sad at first, but this is a thoroughly informative article.
Learn what Shade learned by going HERE.

7) Six Amazing Non-Genre Halloween TV Episodes You Must See!
Its a horror list about Halloween that has nothing to do with horror at all. Its Alyse Waxs list of must-see Halloween TV episodes of non-horror things! (Definitely click this link because its also on Shock Till You Drop.) Do you remember when Roseanne and Dan turned their house into a spooky Tunnel of Terror on their lower middle-class income budget? I do too! What a great episode. Their couch was so ugly.
Help SHOCK get more hits by going HERE.

6) Ten Horror Movies That Hurt So Good
No list of horror movie lists is complete without a list from Stacie Ponder, who is The New York Times’ resident horror expert and has actually testified in court as an expert on horror films. Her palate is so refined that she can actually distinguish between the bad kind of horror movies that cause pain, and that good kind of bad horror movies that hurt so good. This list, which was commissioned by AMC, answers the question once and for all so we all know which bad horror movies are safe to watch, and which are poisonous.
Masochists can go HERE.

5) Top Ten Cheesiest Horror Movie One-Liners!
This fun little list from Bloody-Disgusting points out the best bad writing in silly horror movies. In this list, however, not only do we get the cheesy one-liner itself, but we get the context and level of cheesiness rating from the dedicated writer. The movies they list are ones that dont normally appear on any lists at all, like FEARDOTCOM (which I actually love lots – ed), and the list ends with a classic cheesy one-liner that all horror fans honestly do love and quote incessantly.
To sample the film-y fromage hit HERE.
4) Horror Movie Mistakes So Scary You Missed Them (PHOTOS)
This list of photos showing horror movie mistakes comes to us from Moviefone, which is not a phone system of any kind, but used to be back in the 1980s. Now it is a website, and they made this list of horror movie mistakes as one of those photo slideshows that you can flip through, but the page reloads every time you click on one of the photos and ads will reload on the page too. I wanted to make sure to include one of those in this list, and this one in particular is pretty nit-picky, so die-hard horror aficionados will enjoy it immensely.
Check out all the bloody bloopers HERE.

3) Top 10 Horror Movies No Pregnant Woman Should Watch
Theres an entire website devoted to Top Ten Lists called top10hq.com, and while their business model is questionable, we wish them the best. They host a horror film list of movies that should scare the crap out of pregnant women and so they should not watch them, like Paul Solets GRACE (2009). Most impressive about this list is the inclusion of the segment Z IS FOR ZYGOTE from THE ABCs OF DEATH 2, which, in my opinion, is probably the best short in that entire anthology.
Get knocked out by thems who is knocked up by going HERE.

2) The 32 Best Death Scenes In Horror Movie History
This tasteofcinema.com list has a pleasant little intro paragraph discussing how different film genres elicit different reactions from the audience and sets up the 32 film scenes nicely. What I like best about this list is that it provides YouTube links to watch all of the death scenes it describes so in- depth. Thirty-two death scenes take a lot of room to write about and embed, so this list ends up being four Internet pages long. It really won me over when it included the crazy hanging death scene in SUSPIRIA as number 8.
See all the big screen bucket-kicking by visiting HERE.

1) Dread Centrals List Section
Last but not least, for those who want to do some horror list exploration on their own, DreadCentral.com has an entire tab on their menu devoted to listing their horror lists. I am extremely impressed that the staff is posting several lists a week, minimum, and even a recent ranking of Michael Meyers various masks throughout the franchise, from 1 through 9. Dread Central definitely wins the number one spot for horror lists for its list of horror lists.
For the List-o-Mania go HERE.