The Sharktopus is back in Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda. SyFy airs this creature brawl on August 2nd and it’s rolling out a variety of teasers with the latest being a snippet called “Bitch Slap.” I’ve lost track as to who the audience is out there for these films that feature veteran actors and horrendous CGI, but they keep cranking them out – especially at Roger Corman’s company.
Sharktopus attracted 2.5 million viewers. Will this “versus” effort do the same or has the novelty of “let’s tune in for creature feature trash” slipped away thanks to the overexposure of Sharknado?
Robert Carradine stars in the film. He’s joined by Katie Savoy. So, there you go.
Sometime this year, we’re also going to see the rise of Sharktopus vs. Mermantula. I’m not kidding. Kevin O’Neill directed both films. He also helmed Dracano and Attack of the 50ft Cheerleader?.