Before the actual panel, ShockTillYouDrop.com sat down with Moretz to talk about playing Carrie White, and you can watch that video interview and highlights from the panel after the jump.
In the video below, you can hear Moretz talking about:
* Why she keeps being drawn to horror movies going back to her first movie The Amityville Horror
* Working with Julianne Moore as her overprotective mother
* How this is going to be gorier and more violent than the original movie
* The fact they can go further than Brian De Palma did with his movie
* How she had her first high school experiences making the movie
She also talked a bit about Kick-Ass 2, the sequel to the adaptation of Mark Millar and John Romita Jr.’s graphic novel, which she’s three weeks into shooting, particularly about going back to the character she played when she was considerably younger:
“I’m not going back in time, which is good. I’m growing up with this, so it’s just an older sophisticated version of Hit Girl and we don’t take away who she was but you see Mindy more in this movie and you see her struggle with who she is and try to figure out what she likes, if she likes this, if she likes that, who is she? It was really funny because I only had a weekend off in between ‘Carrie’ and ‘Kick-Ass’ so I went from wearing blood every day of my life for the last three weeks of shooting ‘Carrie,’ to starting ‘Kick-Ass.’ The first thing I shot was me in full Hit-Girl mode, knives, guns it was so anti-climactic to go from being this really heartbroken character to be this strong, powerful woman.”

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