Actress returns to her roots?

The news biz is full of bloodsuckers. Former “60 Minutes” producer John Marks knows it and supposedly channeled his experiences working on that national program when he wrote Fangland, a “Dracula”-esque novel that many of its readers say has shades of Network. Helluva big screen pitch right there.
Well, Marks’ book is all but five months old and today, the NY Post is reporting Hilary Swank’s production company has swept it off the market for development.
Swank would star as Evangline Harker, an ambitious gal working on the TV news mag “The Hour” who reluctantly heads off to Romania to turn a piece on an area crime lord named Ion Torgu. Care to guess whether this fella is a vampire?
The actress already has a lot on her plate at the moment, including the psychological thriller Labyrinth. No word yet on where Fangland falls into her schedule. It’s worth noting Swank dabbled in vampirism once before in her feature film debut Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Source: Ryan Rotten, NY Post