Interviews: Carrie-Anne-Moss on The Matrix Revolutions !

Carrie-Anne Moss stars as Trinity one more time in The Matrix Revolutions, opening everywhere in the world on Wednesday/Thursday. Like the rest of the cast & crew, she’s had difficulty saying goodbye to the role. “This is my goodbye and I had that a year and four months ago when I wrapped the movie, and now it’s a different kind of goodbye. It’s like this weekend and next weekend as I promote this film and I say goodbye to this chapter of my life and this chapter of my career, I do so with a really open and grateful heart. I feel like celebrating the accomplishment of being a part of something that I think is very special.”

Moss said that the spiritual themes is what really connected her to the trilogy. “To see them even more so in the third, I just thought it was amazing.” But she didn’t expected to understand everything reading the dialogue for the first time. “I think that to go into it wanting to understand everything, then you’re missing so much because so much of it is just about being open and feeling. It’s a movie that makes you feel. It’s such an intellectual movie but it has some way, magically, of just affecting your heart and your insides, I think.”

She says the popularity of the films hasn’t changed her life too much. “I kind of go to the same place I’ve always gone for breakfast where we talk about other stuff, and shopping for groceries, you know what I mean? Like I can’t remember the last time that I talked to somebody about the movie. Unless I’m out doing this and then there’s the occasional, “Oh, you’re the girl from ‘The Matrix.'”

Though she doesn’t expect too many deleted scenes on the upcoming DVD(s) – because there aren’t any – she does love the behind-the-scenes features. “[It’s] how we did things, and I love that because, especially for the action sequences, I like people to see, really, how hard we worked. It means a lot to me – and to see that it’s not pretend, to see that we’re really doing it.”

Next up for Moss is Paramount’s Suspect Zero, a thriller in which she stars opposite Aaron Eckhart and Ben Kingsley. She filmed the movie after The Matrix sequels, and it wasn’t quite as physical. “No wire work. A little running. I play an FBI agent. It’s about serial killers, it’s very dark, it’s very interesting, it’s directed by E. Elias Merhige and it’s interesting”. That feature will be in theaters next year.


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