Set in Mexico city in the 1970s and based on books by Paco Ignacio Taibo II, Belascoarán, PI on Netflix, is a crime thriller-comedy series about an independent detective, Héctor Belascoarán. Looking for something more from life, Belascoarán quits his corporate job as an engineer and leaves his tedious marriage and starts investigating serious crimes that plague the city.
Where to Watch Belascoarán, PI
Good news! You and your family can enjoy not only Belascoarán, PI but everything Netflix has to offer. With Netflix, there are no extra costs and no contracts. Watch from your smartphone, tablet, smart TV, laptop, or streaming device. Plans range from $6.99 to $19.99 a month, making it easy to pick an option that gives you access to hit TV shows, movies, documentaries, and more.
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How Many Episodes Are in Belascoarán, PI?

There are three episodes in Belascoarán, PI. The runtime of episodes averages between 71-82 minutes. You can check the complete list of Belascoarán, PI episodes and their release date below.
- “Days in Combat / Días de combate”: October 12, 2022
- “Something Easy / Cosa fácil”: October 12, 2022
- “There Won’t Be a Happy Ending / No habrá final feliz”: October 12, 2022
What Are the Critics Saying About Belascoarán, PI?
Belascoarán, PI does not yet have an official critics rating but has an average audience score of 83% on Rotten Tomatoes. The series also has a user score of 7.3/10 on IMDB.
Decider’s Joel Keller says, “Because Belascoarán, PI doesn’t take itself too seriously and it’s more of a classic detective series, its extended episodes move along nicely and come to relatively satisfying conclusions.”
Nadeem Abdul from The Envoy Web writes, “Belascoaran, PI is a wonderful detective series that features a grounded and relatable protagonist. Luis Gerardo Méndez’s portrayal of Hector is witty and engaging and deserves recognition.”
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Is Belascoarán, PI Suitable for Kids?
Belascoarán, PI is rated TV-MA, which means it is meant for viewing by mature audiences only. The content material is not suitable for children under 17.
How Can I Watch Belascoarán, PI in Its Original Language?
Belascoarán, PI is originally in Spanish. To watch Belascoarán, PI in its original language, set language settings to Spanish with English subtitles from the menu options of your streaming device.