The Netflix original series, “Lilyhammer,” the comedic drama starring Steven Van Zandt (“The Sopranos,” E Street Band) as a mob fixer who enters the witness protection program in Lillehammer, Norway, will return exclusively to Netflix for a third season in 2014. The series’ eight episode second season debuted in December in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Ireland, Latin America, Denmark and the Netherlands.
“We are proud to bring back ‘Lilyhammer’ for a third season,” said Ted Sarandos, chief content officer at Netflix. “‘Lilyhammer’ is the type of global show that Netflix members around the world have discovered and love and season three will see that world expand even more.”
“Lilyhammer” follows former gangster Frank “The Fixer” Tagliano (Van Zandt) as he enters the federal witness protection program trading the mean streets of New York for the icy fjords of Norway, forging a new life among the locals of Lillehammer. Season two continues with Frank living under the alias of Johnny Henriksen, a successful nightclub owner and father of two. As if life couldn’t get more complicated than balancing fatherhood with running a criminal operation, everything Frank cares for is threatened when his former mob associates find out he is still alive.
“Lilyhammer” was developed by Rubicon TV AS (creator, Anne Bjørnstad & Eilif Skodvin). It was produced by Rubicon TV AS and co-produced by Netflix for NRK/Netflix in association with Red Arrow International. It is distributed by Red Arrow International. Producers include Trond Berg Nilsen and Agnete Thuland. Executive Producers include Lasse Hallberg & Steven Van Zandt.