Jacob Batalon Reginald the Vampire Season 2 Interview
(Photo: James Dittiger/SYFY)

Interview: Jacob Batalon Talks Reginald the Vampire Season 2’s Syfy Return

ComingSoon Editor-in-Chief Tyler Treese caught up with Reginald the Vampire star Jacob Batalon to discuss the series’ second season, getting a face full of fake blood, and fighting a war with angels. Reginald the Vampire Season 2 premieres tonight on SyFy at 10 p.m. ET.

“Reginald Andres finally got his life together – when he was turned into a vampire.  While he doesn’t fit into the stereotypical expectations of what a vampire looks like – he’s not chiseled or classically handsome – Reginald has found his place amongst an unlikely cohort that includes the cool vampire who sired him, the former vampire chieftain turned unexpected ally (or is she?), and his co-worker/former girlfriend. A show with a lot of heart and just enough blood, “Reginald the Vampire” proves the undead life is just as complicated as life itself,” says the synopsis.

Tyler Treese: This is Reginald the Vampire Season 2, so how was the actual act of returning because you already have the chemistry with the cast? I assume it’s a bit like Spider-Man, but how is it different than starting a fresh project?

Jacob Batalon: It feels great. I think we were all very excited to come back and we definitely loved working with each other last season, so it was great. And the chemistry is still there, and I feel like because we have that to build off of, work just kind of became like a playground all the time, like an adult playground.

The first season was very much Reginald getting used to being a vampire and then doing the big test at the end. But here, we get to dive into the world more. There’s this big war building up against the angels. What was most exciting about diving into the mythology behind this series?

I think the mythology is what makes the show so much more interesting this time around, and it was fun to really do the whole sort of biblical sort of terrors coming. I think that’s gonna be such a fun sort of story to kind of fight through the entire season. And I think it just adds another layer of coolness to the show. I love the angel idea so much, and our angels on the show are so, so dope.

I wanted to ask about your co-star, Mandela Van Peebles. He’s fantastic as Maurice. He actually looks like a vampire. I don’t know how else to say it, but it’s just something about him. What really stood out about him as a scene partner because you guys have such great scenes together?

Yeah, I think, I mean, Mandela’s really just great as an actor, but also because our relationship is so strong that I, we really do play that out really well. And I think he, we are just completely opposites in terms of how we are on screen. So I think those two things make it even more intriguing as a pairing. But again, me and him are so close that we can kind of just play off of each other like it’s nothing at this point. So I think it’d be that.

The first season had this fun love triangle going on. Now the pairings are more established, but we do see Reginald and Sarah working through some issues early on in the season. What was most interesting about exploring their connection once they’re out of that honeymoon phase of just being in pure bliss?

I think it’s, it’s a great way to sort of illustrate that love isn’t always gonna be perfect. And also just the idea that just because you’re the hero, not everything else will be falling into place. You sort of have to sacrifice a few things in order to be the hero. Um, but again, the relationship is so strong that throughout the show, it’ll just become such a crazy, insane thing that blows up that I feel like everyone will be completely floored by.

I’ve always been curious because this is a very bloody show. You’re a vampire, you’re feeding, you get messy, you’re covered in blood. What is that like when you just have all this blood on you? What does it taste like?

Well, so we do two main ones really well. Three, the one is sort of like a sweet sort of row sugary water. And then the other one that’s more thick and viscous is like corn syrupy type. That is probably the one that I completely could throw up just thinking about it. Then there’s this other one that they, this liquid that they make to make it look like, but, but you don’t drink that one. So it’s sort of like, pick your poison. But it’s definitely something to get used to. I think we did a little better in managing blood in the second season, but it’s still pretty messy this time around.

One aspect I like about Reginald the Vampire Season 2 is we get to see more of Claire in the show. The first season is very focused on Reginald finding his powers, and then now with Claire, he has a mentor role. How was it spending more time with that character because the young actress is great too?

Thailey [Roberge]’s really great. Just like the rest of our cast, she’s very talented and I think she’s special because she’s younger and way more professional than I was when I was her age. So, that was really great of her. Also, her character definitely deserves that sort of growth and storytelling, and it’s gonna be a really fun relationship because it’s just gonna be an elevated brother-sister thing. But it’ll be crazy ’cause you know, people like characters like Claire and everyone are gonna have crazy parts to play and the whole story altogether. So.

First season, your windpipes stole the show with “Total Eclipse of the Heart.” We hear you sing some Meatloaf “I’d Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That)” here. How do you wind up singing each season?

I think the first one was definitely my fault. I suggested we do the song “Total Eclipse of the Heart.” So that was definitely on me. But this time, I feel like I elected to not want to do anything like that. Everyone on the show wanted to do a musical episode, and I completely was like, “No,” and I’m still the only one that somehow ends up doing this, so…

In both seasons you’ve brought up Keanu Reeves. Are we trying to manifest a movie together? Are you a big fan?

I think Reginald is just a diehard Keanu Reeves fan, but it’d be nice if Keanu [did something together. I would love that.

This is a really exciting time in your career. You have Tarot out in theaters and Reginald the Vampire Season 2 premiering, this is one after the other. How special is it that these really aligned and you have these two projects both coming into the world at the same time?

It’s honestly like, I feel very lucky. I feel very fortunate, for sure. Obviously, the strike had a lot to do with the way things sort of played out, but I’m really happy and excited for everyone to see all these things that we’ve been working on. Especially because I felt like, at the time, it was supposed to be sooner, obviously. But I think it’s all worth it in the end, and I truly just hope that everyone has a good time watching them.

One big advantage of television is that you get to spend more time with these characters, and you’ve gotten to film 20 episodes as Reginald. What do you like most about getting to just thoroughly explore it rather than a movie where you may only have 20-30 minutes screen time?

I think as an actor, I feel really it’s sort of freeing to just sort of creatively try different things and to really explore. I think it’s beneficial to storytelling, but also it is definitely taxing, especially the way that we write the show. We do a lot of words per minute, and I think that also is a separate challenge in and of itself. I really enjoy movies because you really can just slip into one thing and then leave it alone and then do something completely different afterward. So I guess those are sort of the two main differences.

Spider-Man’s been so huge for your career. There’s constant speculation, though. How is it having such a committed and passionate fan base that is always talking, always chattering about your character?

Without the fans, I would not be in this position, so I’m very grateful for that for sure. I just feel bad that I don’t have enough answers for fans who ask me stuff. I actually genuinely feel bad about that. But again, without the fans, I would not be having a great life.

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