In the previous episode of Game of Thrones, Ned Stark discovered that Cersei’s children were not fathered by her husband, Robert, Viserys was killed by Khal Drogo, and Tyrion earned his freedom. What does this next installment have in store? Let’s find out as we recap Game of Thrones season 1 episode 7 ‘You Win or You Die’!
Jaime and Tywin Lannister

Tywin had assembled a massive army and was marching towards The Eyrie to punish Catelyn’s capture of Tyrion. Jaime walked into his tent and Tywin lurched into a lengthy diatribe about family and legacy. Tywin also noted that he has a strong hatred for his son Tyrion. He ended the one-sided discussion by ordering Jaime to take thirty thousand troops and lay siege to Riverrun.
Jon Snow

Jon and Samwell were on guard duty atop the Wall when, much to Jon’s horror, Benjen’s horse returned without Benjen anywhere to be seen. Later, Lord Commander Jeor Mormont assigned the recruits to specific guilds, where their best traits would be honed. Sam was assigned to be the personal steward of Maester Aemon, while Jon was assigned to be Jeor’s steward. To finish up the night with some excitement, the new recruits were sworn into becoming full fledged brothers of the Night’s Watch. After they finished their oaths, Ghost wandered into the woods and brought back a severed hand much to the horror of all gathered.
Daenerys Targaryen

Dany attempted to convince Khal Drogo to invade Westeros, but he refused to listen to her arguments. She decided to go the market in Vaes Dothrak accompanied by Jorah and her handmaidens. During their traipse through the marketplace, Jorah received a letter informing him that he had been pardoned by King Robert for his crimes and he realized that Dany was likely to be assassinated soon. Dany had stopped by a wine merchant and Jorah quickly deduced that this was the assassination attempt. Jorah managed to apprehend the wine merchant and Drogo had him executed. The next morning, Drogo pledged to sail to the Seven Kingdoms and take the Iron Throne for his soon-to-be-born son.
House Stark, Lannister, and Baratheon

Ned Stark confronted Cersei and unwisely told her that he knew her children were not fathered by Robert, but instead by her brother, Jaime. He also told her that he will tell Robert when he returns from his hunt, and urged Cersei to take her children and flee the capital. Cersei refused to do this. Renly managed to track down Ned and informed him that Robert was severely wounded on his hunt and has been brought back to the capital. Ned visited Robert and took his last command, for Ned to rule the kingdom until Robert’s heir came of age. He found Varys and Barristan Selmy and told them of Robert’s command. Ned went to the throne room and laid out Robert’s wishes before Cersei, but she had Ned imprisoned by the Kingsguard and Joffrey was named the new king of the Seven Kingdoms.
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