In the previous episode of Game of Thrones, Tyrion was imprisoned by Lysa Arryn in the Eyrie, Ned met Robert’s plethora of bastard children and was attack by Jaime Lannister. What does this next installment have in store? Let’s find out as we recap Game of Thrones season 1 episode 6 ‘A Golden Crown’!
House Stark, Lannister, and Baratheon (King’s Landing)

A massive argument began once Ned Stark regained consciousness, Cersei was angry about the imprisonment of Tyrion, while Robert was angry that Jaime attacked Ned. Robert ended the argument by announcing that he is leaving on a hunt. Arya had another sword lesson with Syrio and learned to always be prepared to fight regardless of her mood. At a small council meeting, Ned sent Lord Beric Dondarrion and a group of one hundred knights to capture The Mountain who has been ravaging the Riverlands. He also ordered Grand Maester Pycelle to send a letter to Casterly Rock demanding Tywin Lannister’s presence in the capital. Ned finally returned to his book about familial traits and noticed that every Baratheon child had always had black hair until the three born by Cersei, who are all blond. Ned Stark realized in that moment, that Joffrey, Myrcella, Tommen were not fathered by Robert.
House Stark, and Theon Greyjoy (Winterfell)

Bran awakened from another dream about the Three-Eyed Raven to find that his saddle had been finished. He immediately had it put on a horse and went for a ride with Robb and Theon. The trio had received word about Ned’s injury and Tyrion’s imprisonment. Theon tried to convince Robb to prepare the North for war, but Robb refused to do so. During their conversation, Bran wandered off and was attacked by a trio of wildings, people from north of the Wall. Theon and Robb managed to kill two of the attackers and took the remaining, Osha, as a prisoner.
Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion was brought before Lysa to confess to his crimes, but he demanded a trial by combat. He managed to convince a local sellsword, Bronn, to fight on his behalf. Bronn quickly won the duel and Tyrion was free to leave the Eyrie.
Daenerys Targaryen

Dany was summoned by the Dosh Khaleen, the wives of deceased Khals, to participate in a ritual to learn the nature of her child. Dany willingly ate the raw heart of a stallion and the Dosh Khaleen declared that her son will be ‘The Stallion That Mounts The World’. She then proclaimed that her son’s name will by Rhaego, named for her deceased brother Rhaegar. Viserys quickly realized that Dany had the love of the Dothraki and not him, so he set out to steal Dany’s dragon eggs from her tent. During this attempted robbery, Viserys was stopped by Jorah Mormont who scolded Viserys for his actions. Some time later, Viserys drunkenly interrupted the feast being held for Dany and Drogo and upset Drogo to the point that Drogo killed him, by pouring molten gold on his head. Dany was decidedly relieved at her brother’s death.
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