HBO has officially announced their new standalone streaming service HBO Now, set to launch this April. What does this mean? It means you can get HBO without having to sign up for HBO through your cable provider. The release is timed with the upcoming premiere of the fifth season of “Game of Thrones“.
At the outset, HBO has announced the service will be available as part of a partnership with Apple. Upon launch, customers can subscribe using the HBO NOW app on their iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, or directly on Apple TV for instant access. HBO continues to be in discussions with its existing network of distributors and new digital partners to offer HBO NOW. The press release does add that at launch, HBO NOW will be available on iOS devices and on PCs, though no specifics on how exactly it will be available on PCs, though I’m assuming it will be through the site, HBONOW.com
Once live, users can purchase HBO NOW directly in-app for $14.99 a month. Upon registering, subscribers will also be able to watch at HBONOW.com. HBO will offer a 30 day introductory free trial period to new HBO NOW customers who sign up through Apple in April.
The service will give subscribers access to every episode of every season of HBO programming, movies, original HBO Films, documentaries, sports and comedy and music specials.
I hate to sound hyperbolic, but this is the start of a revolution of sorts, and perhaps I’m excited only because I hate cable, but need it, primarily for sports. I have my regular Comcast subscription and in my house I’d say the most watched channels are ESPN, HBO, HGTV and, obviously, Bravo… I mean, the lady of the house needs her “Housewives”.
Just below is a teaser video accompanying the launch along with the newest “Game of Thrones” season five trailer.
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