Marvel released a new TV trailer for Captain America: The Winter Soldier and all the blogosphere headlines deal with the fact Cap (Chris Evans) takes off his helmet to fight the titular villain, The Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan), in what must be the “big finale”, as if that’s a good thing. Because when the lead antagonist and protagonist fight at the end of a movie it’s better to drop all your weapons, removing any advantage you may otherwise have and fight fair. If you’re going to kill someone in a movie, at least make it fair. Oh, and it’s best to say something like, “I’m going to enjoy this,” when you do it.
Speaking of bad dialogue, I’m sorry, I’m still stuck on the dialogue from the recent trailer where Anthony Mackie asks how they’ll tell the good guys from and the bad guys and Cap says, “If they’re shooting at you, they’re bad.” Then, in this trailer we get Mackie asking, “When do we start?” Captain replies, “We just did.” Oh man, those Screenwriting 101 classes are really paying off.
Sure, the action may end up being good and I like the fact Captain America is less about CGI battles and more about hand-to-hand combat, but can’t we try a little harder when it comes to the writing?
No surprise, Captain America: The First Avenger screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely wrote this script as well and it wouldn’t seem they’ve learned much based on this evidence. You can blow things up real good, but if the story around those explosions is awful it makes for a long night at the movies. Here’s to hoping these are just a couple of hiccups, and the rest is much better than what’s seen here.
Watch the trailer below, Captain America: The Winter Soldier arrives in theaters on April 4.