Okay, I didn’t watch the trailer, but I skimmed it and as most red-blooded males would, I instantly stopped when I came to the above moment. What is that doing in there? This is a film centered on an ex-cop and now wanted fugitive (Sam Worthington) on the ledge of a high-rise building discussing matters with a hostage negotiator (Elizabeth Banks). Where does a woman in pink lingerie come into play?
Of course, the film is about ulterior motives, so she plays a larger role in whatever the hell else is going on in the film (a hi-jacked Victoria’s Secret fashion show?) and as we saw in the tagline on the poster yesterday, this film is working with the idea that “You can only push an innocent man so far.”
So is Worthington playing the new Richard Kimble? Instead of a doctor he’s a cop and instead of presumably killing his wife he’s… what? What’s the twist? I guess we’ll have to wait until January 13, 2012 to find out. For now, check out the trailer below and you can check out two photos and a look at the poster for the film right here.
Starring Sam Worthington, Elizabeth Banks, Edward Burns, Ed Harris, Kyra Sedgwick, Genesis Rodriguez, Jamie Bell and Anthony Mackie, Man on a Ledge centers on an ex-cop and now wanted fugitive (Sam Worthington) who stands on the ledge of a high-rise building while a hard-living New York Police Department hostage negotiator (Elizabeth Banks) tries to talk him down. The longer they are on the ledge, the more she realizes that he might have an ulterior objective.