Apple has debuted the trailer for the computer animated feature 9 from Focus Features starring the voice talent of Elijah Wood, Jennifer Connelly, Crispin Glover, Martin Landau, Christopher Plummer, John C. Reilly and directed by Shane Acker based on his Oscar-nominate short from 2005 (watch to the right). Tim Burton’s name is all over it because he is presenting and producing it along with Wanted helmer Timur Bekmambetov.
The film takes place in a world parallel to our own, in which the very legacy of humanity is threatened. A community of fully mobile rag dolls living a post-apocalyptic existence find one of their own, 9 (Wood), displaying leadership qualities that may help them to survive. The conflicted but resilient community includes 1 (Plummer), a domineering war veteran; 2 (Landau), an aged inventor; 5 (Reilly), a stalwart mechanic; 6 (Glover), a visionary and artist; and 7 (Connelly), a brave warrior.
This trailer actually caught my attention and that is saying something since I am just about tired of Burton’s quirky animated features. The combination of Burton and Bekmambetov together on a project neither of them created really seems about right and the trailer has that familiar look of Burton, which I am sure is what attracted him, and the sound and attitude of Bekmambetov. Since it all comes from Acker as a new face in the game I am quite intrigued.
Check out the trailer below or in high definition at Apple and see what you think. 9 hits theaters on September 9… Get it… 9-9-09… Wheee!