Comic-Con: Thor and Captain America Sequels Get Titles

The Marvel Studios panel just started and they kicked things off with a bang by announcing the full titles for the upcoming Thor and Captain America sequels as well as showing concept art for Guardians of the Galaxy and announcing the team for the planned Marvel Studios movie, as well as showing Edgar Wright’s test footage for Ant-Man.

The Thor sequel will be called Thor: The Dark World.

The Captain America sequel will be called Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

After showing some concept art, they announced the team that will appear in Guardians of the Galaxy: Star-Lord, Drax the Destroyer, Groot, Rocket Racoon and Gamora.  (Essentially the same line-up as the group that will appear in Marvel Comics’ Avengers Assemble.)

And then Edgar Wright came on stage to show the test footage that he filmed for the long-awaited Ant-Man movie, although there’s no casting as of yet.  Marvel Studios must have liked what they saw to show it in such a big way.

You can keep up with the Marvel Studios panel and hear what they have to say and show from Iron Man 3 live right here. One of the reveals in the footage shown was that Ben Kingsley is indeed playing The Mandarin.

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