The Social Network is Sweeping Critics’ Awards

Awards season has officially kicked into high gear with a number of critics organizations announcing their awards in the next couple of days. Today, the L.A. Film Critics, New York Film Critics Online (of which’s Edward Douglas is a member) and Boston Film Critics announced their awards and all three of them picked David Fincher’s The Social Network as their top choice. Fincher was also named top director by all three groups (with L.A. sharing the award with Olivier Assayas for his multi-part crime epic Carlos) and the screenplay by Aaron Sorkin was honored by all three groups as well.

Natalie Portman was deigned Best Actress by both NYFCO and Boston for her performance in Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan and Christian Bale received supporting actor for David O. Russell’s The Fighter (Black Swan won two technical awards from NYFCO for its music and cinematography.) L.A. Film Critics gave their Actress award to Kim Hye-ja for Bong Joon-ho’s Mother and Niels Arestrup was honored as Supporting Actor for Jacques Audiard’s Une Prophete.

The three groups split for Best Actor with NYFCO giving it to James Franco for Danny Boyle’s 127 Hours, Boston honoring Jesse Eisenberg for The Social Network and L.A. going with Colin Firth for The King’s Speech. All three groups honored Disney•Pixar’s Toy Story 3 in the Animated Feature category, but split on all other categories.

NYFCO honored Melissa Leo for her supporting role in The Fighter, which received the Boston Film Critics’ “Ensemble Cast” award, which NYFCO gave to The Kids Are All Right.

NYFCO’s full awards are below:

Picture – The Social Network

Actor – James Franco, 127 Hours

Actress – Natalie Portman, Black Swan

Director – David Fincher, The Social Network

Supporting Actor – Christian Bale, The Fighter

Supporting Actress – Melissa Leo, The Fighter

Breakthrough Performer – Noomi Rapace, The Millenium Trilogy

Debut Director – John Wells, The Company Men

Ensemble Cast – The Kids Are All Right

Screenplay – The Social Network, Aaron Sorkin

Documentary – Exit Through the Gift Shop

Foreign Language – I Am Love

Animated – Toy Story 3

Cinematography – Black Swan, Matthew Libatique

Film Music or Score – Black Swan, Clint Mansell

Top 10 Films

127 Hours (Fox Searchlight)

Another Year (Sony Pictures Classics)

Black Swan (Fox Searchlight)

Blue Valentine (The Weinstein Co.)

The Ghost Writer (Summit)

Inception (Warner Bros.)

The Kids Are All Right (Focus Features)

The King’s Speech (The Weinstein Co.)

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Universal)

The Social Network (Sony)

The 36th Los Angeles Film Critics Association awards are as follows:

PICTURE: “The Social Network”

Runner-up: “Carlos”

DIRECTOR: Olivier Assayas, “Carlos,” and David Fincher, “The Social Network” (tie)

ACTOR: Colin Firth, “The King’s Speech”

Runner-up: Edgar Ramirez, “Carlos”

ACTRESS: Kim Hye-ja, “Mother”

Runner-up: Jennifer Lawrence, “Winter’s Bone”

SUPPORTING ACTOR: Niels Arestrup, “A Prophet”

Runner-up: Geoffrey Rush, “The King’s Speech”

SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Jacki Weaver, “Animal Kingdom”

Runner-up: Olivia Williams, “The Ghost Writer”

SCREENPLAY: Aaron Sorkin, “The Social Network”

Runner-up: David Seidler, “The King’s Speech”


Runner-up: “Mother”

ANIMATION: “Toy Story 3”

Runner-up: “The Illusionist”


Runner-up: “Exit Through the Gift Shop”

CINEMATOGRAPHY: Matthew Libatique, “Black Swan”

Runner-up: Roger Deakins, “True Grit”

MUSIC/SCORE: Alexandre Desplat, “The Ghost Writer,” and Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, “The Social Network” (tie)

PRODUCTION DESIGN: Guy Hendrix Dyas, “Inception”

Runner-up: Eve Stewart, “The King’s Speech”

NEW GENERATION: Lena Dunham, “Tiny Furniture”


LEGACY OF CINEMA AWARDS: Serge Bromberg, “Henri-Georges Clouzot’s Inferno,” and the F.W. Murnau Foundation and Fernando Pena for the restoration of “Metropolis”


And the Boston Film Critics Awards:

Best Picture

The Social Network

Best Actor

Jesse Eisenberg for The Social Network

Best Actress

Natalie Portman for Black Swan

Best Supporting Actor

Christian Bale for The Fighter

Best Supporting Actress

Juliette Lewis for Conviction

Best Director

David Fincher for The Social Network

Best Screenplay

Aaron Sorkin for The Social Network

Best Cinematography

Roger Deakins for True Grit

Best Documentary


Best Foreign-Language Film


Best Animated Film

Toy Story 3

Best Film Editing (awarded in memory of Karen Schmeer)

Andrew Weisblum for Black Swan

Best New Filmmaker (awarded in memory of David Brudnoy)

Jeff Malmberg for Marwencol

Best Ensemble Cast

The Fighter

Best Use of Music in a Film

Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross for The Social Network


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