A Topiary Website Launches

A dedicated reader sent io9 the link to a mysterious website that has launched for the upcoming A Topiary, the followup film from director Shane Carruth whose first film, 2004’s Primer has become a bonafide sci-fi cult classic.

Check out the website at www.atopiary.com, currently bearing nothing but mysterious message, “Over and over you have been promised adventure but have not found it.”

Searching for the website on Google also reveals a second mysterious message in the site’s description, “The Chorus is warming up.”

Update: The Playlist seems to have managed to get their hands on a copy of the script and posted a brief description. According to them, the opening focuses on a municipal worker, Acre Stowe, in the 1980’s, who meets up with a group of people investigating starbusts but that the story only sticks with him for roughly 30 minutes, cutting every 30 to 40 seconds to jump forward in time, flashing through eight years.

The film then focuses on ten young boys in a rural town who use a device called a “Maker” to create objects, beginning with simple white discs but moving to advanced “sentient quasi-mechanical beings dubbed ‘Choruses.’

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