Filmmaker Terry Gilliam has been trying for decades to get his movie The Man Who Killed Don Quixote off the ground after a failed attempt starring Johnny Depp which was documented in the 2002 movie Lost in La Mancha. In the last year, things were looking good that Gilliam had found a way to get the movie going again with actors Robert Duvall and Ewan McGregor committing to the key roles, but before cameras have started rolling, rumor site Pajiba is reporting that producer Joel Silver and Warner Bros. are now developing their own Don Quixote movie, this one to be more in the swashbuckling vein of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies
As seems to have been the case with numerous competing projects over the years– including ones about Alexander the Great and upcoming movies starring The Three Musketeers–often the first project out of the gate has the advantage and while Gilliam already has cast attached to his project, there’s no denying Silver and Warner Bros. have the money and power to get their project moving forward fairly quickly.
You can read Pajiba‘s story here. (Thanks to Cinematical for bringing this to our attention.)
Let us know if you’ve been looking forward to Gilliam’s long-delayed movie and whether you think it might still happen if faced with a bigger budget studio movie about Don Quixote.