Paramount Pictures and Marvel Studios have launched the official website for the highly-anticipated Iron Man 2, opening in North America on May 7. Directed by Jon Favreau, the sequel stars Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Jon Favreau, Mickey Rourke, Sam Rockwell, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Garry Shandling, John Slattery, Kate Mara, Clark Gregg and Olivia Munn.
The site features info about the movie (the cast, filmmakers and story), the teaser and trailer, a gallery with new photos, cool new downloads (wallpapers and buddy icons), and more! While browsing the site, you’ll also get to hear John Debney’s score for the film.
Check it out now by clicking the image below!