Okay, maybe it’s a bit unfair to just call Gaspar Noé‘s new film Love a flat out porno without digging into the question of what is and isn’t pornographic, but it sure as hell seems to suggest that’s the case. After all, if the argument that it isn’t pornography stems from the fact it has a story and porn films don’t I think we’re now arguing more over the quality of the filmmaking than the whether or not the film has a story or not. Granted, a horny housewife answering the front door and inviting the pizza man in for a little bit a touch, tumble and tickle might not exactly be the pinnacle of storytelling, but neither was Hot Pursuit so what the hell are you going to do?
As for Love, it’s premiering at the Cannes Film Festival this week and a few more details have arrived such as the film’s official cast is made up of Karl Glusman, Aomi Muyock and Klara Kristin. The latter two this is their first feature film work while Glusman has been in a few features and will be seen in Roland Emmerich‘s Stonewall and Nicolas Winding Refn‘s The Neon Demon. As for what it’s all about, a much better detailed storyline is now available compared to the rambling nonsense we had before:
January the 1st, early morning. The telephone rings. Murphy (Glusman) wakes up next to his young wife and 2-year-old child. He listens to his voicemail: Electra’s mother, sick with worry, wants to know whether he has heard from her daughter. Electra’s been missing for a long time. She’s afraid something really bad has happened to her. Over the course of a long rainy day, Murphy finds himself alone in his apartment, reminiscing about the greatest love affair of his life, his two years with Electra (Muyock). A burning passion full of promises, games, excesses and mistakes…
The movie will be screened in 3-D and runs 130 minutes long and is expected to be rather explicit and given what I know of Noé, I can’t say I’m all that interested in seeing what this has to offer and the following first clip does very little for me as well.
Alchemy has already picked the film up for release later this year, but give the clip a watch and check out the following pictures and let me know what you think.
[vimeo id=”128288626″ width=”640″]