I started tracking this year’s Oscar contenders on July 20, 2009 and it has all come down to this final week as Sunday, March 7 will mark the end of one Oscar season and the start of another, and trust me, I am already preparing for Oscars 2011 with a list of 47 possible contenders ready to roll. However, first things first…
It’s time for you to vote on who you think will win in the 24 Oscar categories listed below. This means we are voting on everything from Best Picture to Best Documentary Short Subject, that is, if you are up to it.
In an effort not to sway the results I have not included my personal predictions in this like I did last year. I will be announcing my predictions tomorrow, Thursday, March 4. However, that isn’t stopping me from having a few comments to share on each category as you go down the list.
I have placed all the major categories on the first page of this post with the below-the-line categories on page two. As I said, there are a few comments from me on each category and remember, pick who you think will win, not who you want to win.
Last year RopeofSilicon readers predicted 17 categories correct out of 21, which isn’t too bad, but I am curious to see if this year is shaping up to be as easy to predict as some are saying it is. Personally, the major awards are easy to predict, but once you get into the technical awards I begin to have doubts. Have at it and have fun!

I don’t think it’s much of a spoiler to say we are really talking about a two film competition here, but as it turns out the preferential voting system (discussed here) does open the possibility for other films, primarily Inglourious Basterds, to enter the conversation. While most dismiss that notion, and for the most part rightly so, it doesn’t mean it should be completely forgotten. For the first time since 1943, when Casablanca took home the Oscar, we have ten nominees and that could prove to offer up a surprise.