You tuned in to the right place as I will be covering the 2010 Golden Globes with up-to-the-minute live-blogging as well as winner updates in the right-hand-column as they are announced. On top of that, if I have set up my code correctly, winners will also show up on my Twitter page as they are announced as well. Fingers crossed on that one.
Last year was my first year live-blogging the event and if you would like to see how I handle the proceedings you can click here for a taste, but for the most part we’re looking at about three-and-a-half hours (or more) of commentary and I’ll do my best to keep it as lively as possible with page breaks every hour. The winners will continuously be updated in the right-hand column and while previous years have proved daunting as the server has crashed a few times I hope I will be with you for the duration.
If you need a refresher on who is nominated click here and to browse the RopeofSilicon user predictions on who will win click here. Also, if you would like to print out a version of the nominations list to have with you while you watch you can download the official .PDF version right here. While reading I will highlight all winners
The show begin at 5:00 PM PST / 8:00 PM PST and I will begin most of my coverage at 4:00 PM PST with red carpet commentary, so while we wait for things to get started why don’t you comment below and let everyone know where you are reading the blog from. Previous years have brought in readers from Spain, England, New Zealand, India, Russia, Australia, France, Sweden, Denmark and, of course, the United States. The fact this is something read by such a large international community is perhaps the best thing about it for me. Hope I’m able to keep you entertained for the entire show.
3:25:26 PM: Just a quick test to make sure things are working… and then back to Chargers vs. Jets.
3:26:11 PM: Magic, things are good to go… See you back here in about 30 mins.
3:55:37 PM: We’re getting close and it looks like I may have to play a little “last channel” and go back-and-forth between the Jets/Chargers and the red carpet.
4:00:20 PM: And we’re off… NBC begins their red carpet coverage. One hour and counting. Gotta be excited for Ricky Gervais hosting this right?
4:01:05 PM: Yikes, the rain has got to make most everyone happy right? Who are you wearing?
4:02:54 PM: George Clooney says he’s standing in the rain like an idiot and Billy Bush goes, “But isn’t this exciting?” Uh, I have to assume George is probably over it…
4:03:44 PM: Gabourey Sidibe has arrived. Any chance she can deliver an upset?
4:06:10 PM: How much does someone get paid to hold an umbrella over people at the Globes? That’s gotta be the job, when offered, you ask like you can’t hear.
4:09:27 PM: Just remembered how boring the red carpet is…
4:10:48 PM: Bradley Cooper just revealed they’re going to film The Hangover 2 in the fall. It’s currently set for a May 26, 2011 release.
4:13:02 PM: Just wish one time one of these people would tell these red carpet interviewers they’re doing awful when asked, “How are you?”
4:13:55 PM: “Hey Stanley Tucci, was it hard to channel a serial killer?” That was a question… not lying.
4:15:59 PM: Billy Bush just asked if Kate Hudson knew it was raining when she walked outside.
4:16:57 PM: That should read, “asked Kate Hudson if she knew it was raining when she walked outside.”
4:17:52 PM: The Jets are now in the lead and I am watching the red carpet at the Golden Globes. I can’t help but think something is wrong with me.
4:21:33 PM: Morgan Freeman is a solid interview no matter how dumb the question.
4:22:42 PM: Did you hear? Harrison Ford WORKS AROUND THE CLOCK!!!
4:23:54 PM: You know things are interesting when the interviewer has to point out it’s raining. “Hey! You’re all wet!”
4:25:02 PM: Sam Jackson wants to know the score of the game. It’s New York 17, San Diego 7 Sam.
4:26:23 PM: Billy Bush asks McCartny, “Did you know it was raining or did someone hand you an umbrella?” These guys are true pros eh?
4:32:24 PM: Billy Bush offered Bullock a Golden Globe Snuggie, then offered it to Jesse James… Not surprised both turned it down.
4:32:54 PM: What is up with these weird montage lead-ins?
4:34:30 PM: Uh oh, Tobey Maguire thinks he knows who is going to direct the new Spider-Man film, but no reveal. Could Marc Webb be the one?
4:35:48 PM: Asked who I am rooting for in the football game? No real preference to be honest, was sort of pulling for the Jets, but a Charger win wouldn’t bother me either.
4:37:14 PM: Chargers (7) vs. Jets (17) … Looking like a Jets win, but Chargers still with a very small chance.
4:39:32 PM: Wow, Julia Roberts just said, “Yeah NBC, you guys are in the toilet right now.” Rock solid.
4:40:23 PM: Looks like Julia has the Raiders of the Lost Ark medallion around her neck.
4:41:56 PM: Didn’t know that, the Crazy Heart concert scenes were shot during a Toby Keith concert.
4:47:10 PM: Tarantino still chatting about a Kill Bill 3.
4:52:10 PM: NFL update, Chargers 14 and Jets 17
4:52:58 PM: Is this game seriously going to end just as the Globes begin?
4:53:38 PM: For those asking about the Hanks quote, he said he heard the weather report “on another station.”
4:55:10 PM: Tina Fey with another solid NBC quote, “It’s not rain. It’s just God crying for NBC.”
4:55:51 PM: Well, what do you know, Laremy Legel, RopeofSilicon’s Box-Office Oracle just arrived with his wife. Now it’s a party!
4:57:15 PM: Okay folks, Jets beat the Chargers…. two minutes to go until Globe madness…. Can’t wait for Gervais.
5:00:07 PM: And we’re off…