News of a remake of the Jane Fonda starring 1968 sci-fi feature Barbarella just won’t go away. Today The Hollywood Reporter brings word the film has now fallen into the hands of Robert Luketic, the unimpressive director of 21 and The Ugly Truth. Unknown scripter Joe Gazzam is penning the screenplay.
Such news is surprising to me considering Universal buried the project when Robert Rodriguez was set to direct the remake from a script written by Neal Purvis and Robert Wade with Rose McGowan set to star in the title role. Several rumors have been spread as to the reason that attempt fell apart from budget, a lack of faith in McGowan as the lead and filming location disputes. Strangely, the fact the idea for a remake is just a plain bad idea hasn’t been mentioned.
Original producer Dino De Laurentiis is producing with his wife as the remake is said to be a new take on the iconic character which will not be campy, though it will keep the sexuality; there will be seductions, but the focus will be on the adventure. The original centers on a female mercenary who roams the universe of a distant future, undertaking missions that require fearlessness, ingenuity and sensuality.
The project is no longer set up at a studio, though the De Laurentiis duo plans on shopping it when the script is in shape.