Zack Snyder Teases Announcement With Henry Cavill Superman Photo

Director Zack Snyder has posted two images to his Vero account that further tease the DC announcement that was revealed earlier this week. The images are both of Henry Cavill’s Superman in black and white, with one being a clean shot and the other featuring text on top of it.

The text on the image reads:

MOS BVS ZSJL [referring to Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Zack Snyder’s Justice League] ‘Life is a cycle, from birth to death to rebirth. And so the hero’s journey is a cycle as well. A continuous journey of growth and transformation.’ April 28 29 30.”

It’s unclear as to what the post is specifically teasing, though the dates line up with the Darkseid tease earlier this week that said to save the dates of April 28-30. You can check out the Vero posts below:

Snyder’s last DC film was Zack Snyder’s Justice League, which was released in 2021 — nearly four years after the initial release of Justice League. This version of the movie was a director’s cut by Snyder that featured additional characters not seen in the theatrical cut and had a run time of just over four hours. In late 2022, director James Gunn and producer Peter Safran were made Co-CEOs of DC Studios, prompting a wide reshuffle of DC’s television and film projects.

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