Thor: Love and Thunder Concept Art Shows Warrior-Like Look at Gorr the God Butcher

More early concept art at Christian Bale’s Gorr the God Butcher has made its way online, showcasing a much different, warrior-esque version of the character from Thor: Love and Thunder.

RELATED: Gorr the God Butcher Concept Art Shows Different Look for Thor: Love and Thunder Villain

In a recent post to Instagram, artist Aleski Briclot shared an early look at the character. According to Briclot, the art was made shortly after Bale was cast in the role, and was meant to showcase a blend of the comic book version of Gorr with Bale’s likeness staying intact in the face. The result is a Gorr that looks a bit more menacing than he does in the film, complete with warrior armor, large veins along his arm, and big tendrils that flow behind his head.

Check out the concept art below:


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Of course, the final result ended up looking much different, with director Taika Waititi opting to go for no prosthetic makeup or different looks for actor Christian Bale.

Thor: Love and Thunder features MCU alums Chris Hemsworth as the God of Thunder, Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, and Natalie Portman as Jane Foster, who is now taking on the mantle of the Mighty Thor and will be wielding the iconic Mjolnir. Oscar winner Christian Bale will also be making his return to the superhero genre, as he signs on for the villainous role of Gorr the God Butcher.

Additional cast includes franchise alums such as Jaime Alexander as Sif, Taika Waititi as Korg, and Guardians of the Galaxy stars like Chris Pratt’s Peter Quill, Karen Gillan’s Nebula, Sean Gunn’s Kraglin, and Vin Diesel’s Groot.

RELATED: Christian Bale’s Gorr the God Butcher Elevates Thor: Love and Thunder

Thor: Love and Thunder is once again being directed by Waititi (Jojo Rabbit) from a script he co-wrote with Jennifer Kaytin Robinson (Someone Great), which will be the follow-up to Waititi’s Thor: Ragnarok.


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