Thor 5: Taika Waititi Reveals What Would Make Him Return as Director

As is the case with most Marvel Cinematic Universe films, the end of Thor: Love and Thunder teases the rteurn of the iconic Viking God. While nothing is set in stone, director Taika Waititi recently said he’d be up for another film as long as Chris Hemsworth returns.

RELATED: Taika Waititi Reveals Why So Many Thor: Love and Thunder Scenes Were Cut

“Now, I don’t know what would be next. I would definitely do one, but only if Chris did it,” Waititi said in an interview with Insider. “But it would need to be something surprising and unexpected for me to want to do it. Like what would be the new take? The battles and all the fighting is fine, but I would want something that feels unexpected when it comes to the story. Like making just a $5 million movie with no fighting at all, just Thor on a road trip. Like Nebraska.”

Waititi also talked about the “Thor will return” banner that pops up at the end of the film, saying that it took both him and Chris Hemsworth by surprise.

“That was a surprise to me, too. I’m not joking,” said Waititi. “I saw it in the theater and I was like, ‘Oh, shit. Really?’ Even Chris was like, ‘What?’ But, of course he’ll be back. He’s the best character. I mean, I may be a little biased, but he’s the most fun to watch.”

Thor: Love and Thunder features MCU alums Chris Hemsworth as the God of Thunder, Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, and Natalie Portman as Jane Foster, who is now taking on the mantle of the Mighty Thor and will be wielding the iconic Mjolnir. Oscar winner Christian Bale will also be making his return to the superhero genre, as he signs on for the villainous role of Gorr the God Butcher.

Additional cast includes franchise alums such as Jaime Alexander as Sif, Taika Waititi as Korg, and Guardians of the Galaxy stars like Chris Pratt’s Peter Quill, Karen Gillan’s Nebula, Sean Gunn’s Kraglin, and Vin Diesel’s Groot.

RELATED: Natalie Portman Discusses Favorite Part of MCU Return in Thor: Love and Thunder

Thor: Love and Thunder is once again being directed by Waititi (Jojo Rabbit) from a script he co-wrote with Jennifer Kaytin Robinson (Someone Great), which will be the follow-up to Waititi’s Thor: Ragnarok.


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