Filmmaker David Gordon Green’s career has spanned the gamut of beloved indie films to larger studio comedies like Pineapple Express with his upcoming indie film Prince Avalanche, starring Paul Rudd and Emile Hirsch, being seen as a return to form as it’s played the festival circuit the past few months.
Word comes out of the Cannes Film Festival that Green is already gearing up for his next movie Manglehorn, produced and financed by Worldview Entertainment, and that Al Pacino has signed to star in it as the title character A.J. Manglehorn.
The screenplay, written by Paul Logan, based on a story by Green and Logan, follows an eccentric man (Pacino) who tries to come to terms with a past crime that cost him the love of his life with plans to start shooting in Los Angeles sometime in the early fall.
Worldview CEO Christopher Woodrow had this to say about the Oscar-winning actor:
Al Pacino is one of the greatest actors of his generation and we are thrilled to have him sign on as we head to Cannes.”