Avatar 2 is set to debut on Disney+ on June 7, finally allowing James Cameron‘s blockbuster sequel to be easily viewed at home at any time. Here are five reasons that Disney+ is the ultimate way to watch The Way of Water.

Back-to-Back Avatar Viewings
One major benefit of the Avatar sequel coming to Disney+ is that it’s joining the original movie on the service, making Disney+ the only place where you can watch both movies. If you’re a fan of the franchise as a whole, this makes it far easier to watch both movies back-to-back, making for a more continuous experience than the 13-year gap that originally came between the two.
This is likely the ideal way to experience the story ahead of the upcoming additional Avatar sequels, so fans will be able to marathon both movies whenever they want — provided they have around six hours free.
Unlimited Breaks
Speaking of runtimes, Avatar: The Way of Water being on Disney+ allows for a unique viewing experience — viewers can pause the movie as much as they want. Lots of jokes were made about needing to use the theater restroom during Avatar 2’s 192-minute runtime, but now that opportunity is finally available.
Whether you skipped seeing it in theaters because of this or simply want to watch the movie without being able to pause in case of some sort of emergency, Disney+ has you covered.

Catch Any Details You Missed
With more sequels on the horizon, it’s hard to say which details might play a major part in future Avatar entries. With the ability to pause and rewind freely, you can make sure you’ve gotten every bit of information out of the movie.
If you needed a restroom break during a theatrical screening but didn’t want to commit to another three-hour watch right away, you can see any missed scenes and moments in a flash on Disney+.
Rewatch Whenever You Want
There are plenty of exciting moments throughout The Way of Water, all of which can now be rewatched at any given time. Whether you get an urge to rewatch the whole thing or specific scenes you enjoyed, the entire movie is now at the disposal of your remote.
This is also the most visually appealing way to watch specific scenes, as Disney+ has the movie in all its glory, unlike online clips of random scenes. This is a movie with visuals worth experiencing in the best way possible, after all.

Watch With the Whole Family
Going to a movie theater can be incredibly expensive, especially if you’re paying for family, friends, or others as well. By watching Avatar 2 on Disney+, you can have as many people watch as you can fit in the room — all for one price.
While the theater-going experience may be the original intent, being able to watch Avatar: The Way of Water at home is cheaper, easier, and more convenient than ever, making its June 7 addition the service a very welcome thing.