Interview: Travis Beacham on Pacific Rim: Tales From Year Zero

Anticipation is slowly building for the monsters vs. robots movie Pacific Rim, director Guillermo del Toro’s first movie in five years and one of the few truly original concepts of the summer i.e. it’s not a sequel!

On June 5, over a month before the release of the movie, Legendary Comics is releasing “Pacific Rim: Tales From Year Zero,” a hardcover graphic novel written by screenwriter Travis Beacham and drawn by Sean Chen, Yvel Guichet, and Pericles Junior with a cover by Alex Ross, which tells some of the backstory of the universe seen in Pacific Rim. It specifically shows the very first Kaiju (monster) attack, the very first Jaeger (robot), as well as the roots of the Jaeger Academy seen in the movie.

SuperHeroHype got on the phone with Beacham last week to talk about the book and its connections and parallels to the movie and you can read that interview by clicking here.

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