Arriving in a limited release this weekend, Fox Searchlight’s Trance brings to the screen a mind-bending thriller from the man behind films like 28 Days Later, Slumdog Millionaire and 127 Hours. What begins as pulse-pounding heist tale quickly becomes something very different, examining memory and its role in every individual’s own perception of reality.
Re-teaming with Trainspotting and Shallow Grave screenwriter John Hodge, Boyle’s latest stars James McAvoy as Simon, an art auctioneer who specializes in the protection of valuable pieces. Secretly in league with a professional thief, Franck (Vincent Cassel), Simon attempts a robbery of Goya painting but, after getting knocked unconscious during the heist, is unable to remember where the painting is hidden. With the help of a hypnotist, Elizabeth, Simon undergoes a search within his own mind that leads to revelations that no one could suspect.
ComingSoon.net sat down to speak with with Boyle, Dawson, Cassel and (via satellite) McAvoy to discuss the incredibly-stylized cinematic voyage, the challenge of building and interacting with characters who aren’t sure of their own identities and playing against the film’s moody soundtrack.
Check out the interviews in the player below and catch Trance in theaters this Friday, April 5.