A World Premiere at this past April’s Tribeca Film Festival, the largely practical, and largely enjoyable, garden party-killer wasp-creature feature Stung hits this July from IFC. Just in time for your own backyard soirées.
Stung stars Jessica Cook & Matt O’Leary as a pair of caterers handling a wealthy, if dilapidated, southern garden party. Giant killer wasps come to the gathering and sticky, gory mayhem ensues. While this trailer (and the movie) leans a bit on the Shaun of the Dead-esque tone of a schlub helping to save the day, the all-out giant bug attacks are the real star of the show. Director Benni Diez and his incredible SFX and VFX teams get wild with the wasps and make for an earnest, splattery creature feature. That’s not to mention the very fun turns by Lance Henriksen and Clifton Collins Jr.
Stung is out July 3rd in theaters and on VOD. For more, see Shock’s review.