Father’s Day Filmmakers Get Serious in The Void; Crowdfunding Creatures

Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski are likely best known for their work in Canadian indie collective, Astron-6, the crew behind such mad movies as Father’s Day, Manborg and amazing faux trailer Bio-Cop. For their next venture, The Void, the two filmmakers and FX artists (including Hannibal and Pacific Rim) are breaking away and attempting to establish a more earnest tone for a frightening and visceral occult creature feature. The duo have turned to IndieGogo, with hopes to not fund the film, but the FX. 

Offering a candid explanation as to why even indie productions with horror fans as filmmakers often opt for digital, Gillepsie and Kostanski make a case for their campaign, writing: Do you know why many contemporary films rely on CGI in lieu of practical effects? It is typical for independent productions to access funding mere weeks before a shooting window, meaning the pre-production period is often highly compressed. This is often why visual effects tend to be digitally implemented during post-production, as that is when the filmmakers have more time and resources at their disposal. We want to buck that trend, and instead expand our pre-production resources so that we can deliver spectacular creature effects on set and in-camera.

And so this is what The Void is trying to A. Seeking to raise $50,000 in FX funds, the filmmakers have created an IndieGogo with budget breakdowns, concept art and a mean, exciting teaser. It’s both fascinating for its handy look at how just wanting practical FX isn’t enough, but also because this feels like where the talents of Gillespie and Kostanski can truly shine. The two have already displayed a maniacal energy and The Void’s concept trailer is immediately striking, harkening to visceral Fulci nuttiness, but without the silliness of their previous, DIY efforts.

Of course, there’s plenty of perks, should you want to contribute. The Void is expected to shoot this summer. Find the campaign video/teaser, below. 

The Void – Campaign Video from Cave Painting Pictures on Vimeo.

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