Mondo Acquires Death Waltz Records!

According to a press release:

Mondo and Death Waltz will converge to deliver an even greater offering for music aficionados and film fans alike.

With over two decades of music industry experience, Death Waltz founder, Spencer Hickman, joins the Mondo team as Label Manager to lead both record labels in partnership with Mondo Creative Director, Justin Ismael. Mondo’s acquisition will allow both labels to elevate and increase releases in addition to expanding access.

Mondo and Death Waltz are building a unified release schedule for 2015 and are excited to showcase their existing projects this weekend at MondoCon in Austin, TX on September 20 and 21 at The Marchesa Hall & Theater.

Beginning with Maniac (1980) and The Beyond, Mondo signaled that it was eager to incorporate their love of art with deserving soundtracks on vinyl. They’ve continued that tradition with some of their biggest releases yet this year for scores like Jurassic Park and Gravity, creating jaw-dropping packages from globally recognized artists like Jay Shaw, Jock, Phantom City Creative and Tyler Stout.

“We couldn’t be more excited to have Spencer join Mondo,” said Mondo Creative Director Justin Ishmael. “We’ve long been fans of what he’s been doing at Death Waltz and our minds are melting at the possibilities that this partnership will bring.”

The UK-based Death Waltz Recording Company shares an equal passion in its commitment to producing beautifully designed vinyl, working closely alongside legendary composers and directors such as John Carpenter, Richard Kelly, Alan Howarth and Fabio Frizzi to deliver brand new definitive audio re-masters for beloved cult classics like They Live, Godzilla and City of the Living Dead.

“I looked at what we’ve achieved independently and then I started thinking what we can do together. We intend to build a full-service record label offering incredible music in all formats: Vinyl, CD & Digital. Our goal is to make Mondo the “go-to” label for fans, filmmakers and composers alike. After 25 years in the music industry, I don’t think I have been as excited as I am with this opportunity,” said Spencer Hickman.

Mondo has an amazing lineup of new vinyl releases and music-related events at MondoCon, a convention to celebrate the creators behind art, film, music and collectibles. The newly announced vinyl for the original score from Shaun of the Dead will be available for the first time in any format to celebrate the rom-zom-com’s 10th anniversary. Mondo is also releasing the soundtracks for Looper and Music For 2001: A Space Odyssey, which will have a panel event at the convention. Death Waltz brings a one-of-a-kind event and vinyl release to MondoCon to celebrate their new sub label ‘Originals’ which is going to focus on promoting and exposing brand new artists with a newly composed re-score of horror masterpiece The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, performed live with a screening of the film.

Death Waltz will have a booth on the exhibition floor where attendees can meet Spencer Hickman to discuss the future of the two labels; they’ll also have the second ‘Originals’ release which will be revealed at the event.

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