The publisher says, this “visually stunning book presents an extraordinary new vision for the beloved character through a dynamic selection of concept illustrations, sketches, storyboards, and other pre-production materials. Godzilla: The Art of Destruction is the definitive book on one of the most anticipated films of 2014. Featuring interviews with the director and key crew and cast members, the book tells the complete story of the making of Godzilla from concept to final frames. Comprehensive and enthralling, Godzilla: The Art of Destruction is a book that no fan will want to be without.”
Reprinted from Godzilla: The Art of Destruction by Mark Cotta Vaz, published by Insight Editions. TM & © Toho Co., Ltd. © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s14)
04. LEFT Dr. Brody monitors the crisis at the Janjira facility. BELOW The Janjira nuclear power plant control room was a daunting design challenge—everything from switches and gauges to signage and paperwork had to be created and accurately reflect a period Japanese nuclear facility. This piece of concept art set the look of the facility.
06. OPPOSITE LEFT AND ABOVE Concept art depicting the Q-Zone. “The great thing about haze and fog is that you can create beautiful, dark foreground silhouettes,” says Edwards. “It really gives a sense of scale and scope.” OPPOSITE BOTTOM RIGHT Q-Zone set dressing showing a weathered radiation warning sign.
08. RIGHT Concept art imagines the surreal effect of the giant monsters, such as this nuclear submarine dropped in the mountains. “I love this shot,” says Edwards. We struggled with trying to find a position for the submarine that didn’t feel too silly, but you could still read it from a distance. This is a shot that’s never in the film, they don’t actually approach it from the boat, but again, things get drawn just to give it flavor.”