A contemporary prequel to the genre-defining film, “Bates Motel” gives viewers an intimate portrayal of how Norman Bates’ psyche unravels through his teenage years. It stars Vera Farmiga in her Emmy-nominated role as Norma Bates with Freddie Highmore as the young Norman.
“The incredible writing team and talented ‘Bates Motel’ cast has made this series one of the most compelling original dramas on television,” said David McKillop, Executive Vice President and General Manager, A&E Network. “The brilliant twists and turns of the past two seasons keep its loyal fan base coming back for more. We are so proud of the show.”
New episodes of season two of “Bates Motel” currently air every Monday at 10PM/ET. Season three will begin production this fall with ten episodes. “Bates Motel” is produced by Universal Television for A&E Network. Carlton Cuse and Kerry Ehrin serve as executive producers for Carlton Cuse Productions and Kerry Ehrin Productions respectively.