Mischief Night tells the story of a terrifying home invasion on the eve of Halloween. Young Emily Walton (Noell Coet), who has suffered from psychosomatic blindness ever since a car accident that took her mothers life, must summon every instinct at her disposal to protect herself and her loved ones from a mysterious intruder
A talented ensemble cast, that includes veteran actor Daniel Hugh Kelly, Ally Walker, Noell Coet, Charlie O’Connell, Erica Leerhsen, Richard Riehl, Stephanie Erb and Ian Bamberg.
Schenkman says, This is not a horror film, he said. While I enjoy pictures like Scream, I think this movie has more in common with high-tension, claustrophobic thrillers like The Strangers, the French movie Them, and even the classic Wait Until Dark. While there is violence in the film, my plan is to minimize the gore and keep the effects realistic, as opposed to the stylized mayhem we see in other pictures.
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