Heavy Metal Rides With The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

We can always depend on Heavy Metal magazine to take things to the extreme.

Just announced is the first installment in a three graphic novel series called The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The premise as you can imagine, is simple enough:

The End is Here:  Welcome to the Apocalypse! Raised by the Order of Solomon, Adam Cahill is one of a rare handful of highly trained warriors bound by bloodline to guard the Seven Holy Seals that contain the End of Days. But ageless forces have conspired towards a prophetic event foretold by numerous cultures and multiple religions, and when that cryptic date arrives, they strike against the order without mercy! The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is a dark, gritty, action – horror story inspired by the biblical tale of Armageddon. In addition to the works of Simon Bisley, the series will feature additional art by the late Stan Winston, Tim Bradstreet, Chad Fidler, and Dave DeVries, and script written by co- writers Mike Kennedy and Sean Jaffe.

I’m getting a real Devil May Cry vibe from the promotional video you can find here, it’ll be interesting to see if that sort of stylized violence is the shape the book will take of if it’s primarily for promotional purposes. But with a story with this size scope, and some of the epic art that’s come out already I think we can expect a pretty crazed and intense story from it.

I’d also like to know what part Stan Winston played in this after reading that, did he just contribute concept art (probably) or did he pencil out entire sections of the story before he passed away?

No official release date yet, just a vague “2012” but expect to see the first entry in this series and maybe a tease about the second volume soon.

You can find out more, or pre-order your own copy here.


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