Vertigo Comics Early Thoughts: Voodoo Child, Deadwardians, Saucer Country

As I got in my car to return home and read my comics that I’d just picked up from the shop, I noticed a surprise inside my bag:  A comic-sized preview of upcoming Vertigo titles!  I love good surprises!  Featured inside were excerpts of titles soon to hit shelves and I couldn’t help but feel the need to spread the word.

Dominique Laveau: Voodoo Child

DOMINIQUE LAVEAU: VOODOO CHILD is the story of a half-breed, outcast and heir to the Voodoo Queenship of New Orleans, if she can live long enough to claim her birthright. New Orleans is the most haunted city in America: a town of centuries-old ghosts and newly drowned spirits; where vampires, voodoo spirits and loups-garous make their home. Ruling over this all are the powerful Voodoo Queens, whose influence stretches into politics, business and crime as they maintain a delicate balance between the mortal and supernatural worlds.

Now, if you’re familiar with New Orleans at all that last name should ring a bell to you.  The excerpt from the comic is pretty crazy.  Hallucinations, gore, voodoo magic – what more should you expect from a comic with this setting?  Plus, I can already tell I’m going to like Dominique as a character.  She’s got the right amount of charm and wit about her to make this journey she’s going on seem real. She’s a Tulane “Green Wave” student instead of a Bayou Bengal, I can’t help but like her for this.

“It’s a dose of True Blood mixed with Treme and a journey into the heart of voodoo mythology – dark loas, magnificent gods, and everything in between.” – Selwyn Seyfu Hinds

Dominique Laveau will be an ongoing monthly title written by Selwyn Seyfu Hinds and art by Denys Coan and John Floyd.  Issue one drops March 21st. 

The New Deadwardians

In post-Victorian England, nearly everyone of the upper classes has voluntarily become a vampire to escape the lower classes who are all zombies. Into this simmering cauldron is thrust Chief Inspector George Suttle, a lonely detective who’s got the slowest beat in London: investigating murders in a world where everyone is already dead!

With the question of “vampires or zombies?” becoming the new “pirates or ninjas?” I find this book all too appropriate.  The dynamic between the two groups will be interesting, considering the zombies do appear to be the mindless eating machines that we know them instead of capable of normal interaction.  The art is different, but I like it.  At first glance I thought of the adjective “bland,” but then I kept reading and saw the contents of the story and the awesome gore and I was all turned around.

“Essentially, It’s a detective story set in an alternate-history England Circa 1900.” – Dan Abnett

The series will be written by Dan Abnett with art by I.N.J. Culbard. Issue 1 of the 8 issue mini-series goes on sale March 28th.

Saucer Country

As the Mexican-American Governor of New Mexico, she’s dealing with immigration, budget cuts and an alcoholic ex. She’s about to toss her hat into the ring as a candidate for President in the most volatile political climate ever. Arcadia Alvarado, the leading Democratic candidate for President of the United States, says she was “abducted by aliens.”

I’m always looking for a scary take on aliens.  Don’t get me wrong I love global-scale UFO destruction, but seeing the diabolical nature of aliens against one or a few people is just as entertaining to me. The art looks a lot more of what you’d expect from a Vertigo book, but the really vibrant colors in it make it really pop when reading.  The comic looks like it’s on its way to being one part alien mystery and one part political thriller (a combination I cannot wait to try out).  I can also only hope that she gets elected President in the series and we get to see an alien say “Take me to your leader.” 

“Saucer Country has been on my mind, in one way or another, for literally decades.” -Paul Cornell

Written by Paul Cornell and with art by Ryan Kelly this ongoing title launches March 14th.

A nice little feast for genre fans to sink our teeth into, and yet we still have to wait over a month for these titles. Thank goodness February is the shortest month.

If you don’t know that your local comic shop will get these titles, ask them to order it for you!


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