SWAT Raids World War Z, Pitt Pissed

Problems for big budget zombie project

Two interesting stories coming out of US Weekly about World War Z.

In Budapest, SWAT raided a warehouse holding all of the “fully functional” guns being used in Marc Foster’s film. 85 guns total were seized at the airport

“This morning a private plane brought guns wrapped in a parcel from a company to an individual [in Budapest],” said Hajdu Janos and Zsolt Bodnar, the director and deputy director of Hungary’s Anti-Terrorism Unit. “Guns like these are highly illegal to transport even if they were to used as stage guns, which hopefully they weren’t.”

The other interesting tidbit is that the film is apparently going over schedule and over budget. “Brad is furious,” says US Weekly’s source. While in development at Paramount, there were always rumblings that the studio was concerned over World War Z‘s budget.

Source: US Weekly

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