Fox Searchlight Getting Behind Gordon Green’s Suspiria

But who will replace Natalie Portman as the lead?

Fillmmaker David Gordon Green (The Pineapple Express) has been working on developing a remake of Dario Argento’s 1977 horror classic Suspiria for many years and at one point, he’d been talking about having Natalie Portman (who starred in his comedy Your Highness) as the lead. Before that could happen, Portman starred in Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan, a thriller directed by Darren Aronofsky that had been compared favorably to Suspiria, being that they both take place in the world of ballet. In fact, Fox Searchlight even used some of the music from Suspiria in their advertising for Black Swan

Well, guess what? has just learned that Fox Searchlight will be helping to produce and release Green’s remake, as there clearly is a big Argento fan somewhere in the ranks there who has decided to follow-up Aronofsky’s Oscar-winning hit with another ballet-related horror film.

We have no word who Green might get to star in the movie, but you can guarantee that once we do, it will be reported here.

Source: Edward Douglas

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