Jack, Concrete Island and a trip down the Amazon

Earlier today, ShockTillYouDrop.com had a chance to sit down with filmmaker Brad Anderson (Session 9) to talk about his latest venture into the darkness with Vanishing on 7th Street, a video interview we’ll share sometime next week.
Since finishing the movie in September, Anderson has been developing a number of other projects, some of them that have been on his plate for a number of years, and the one that’s most likely to get off the ground and film soon is a movie called simply Jack.
“It’s about a serial killer who is in a car accident in the beginning of the movie and has retrograde amnesia. His physical therapist tries to get him back on his feet, and they fall in love, and then of course, midway through the movie he has flashes of who he really is, and he’s a killer,” he elaborated. “So it’s actually very cool, it’s got a real nice Hitchcock suspense aspect to it. It takes all the conventions of the genre, but it’s a very well-written script and we’re trying to get that one going.”
He confirmed earlier rumors that Samuel L. Jackson and Liev Schreiber were on board, the latter replacing John Cusack, but there’s one important casting holding it up. “Really, we just gotta get an actress that’s going to satisfy all the financing types.”
Fans of Anderson’s earlier movie The Machinist will be excited to hear that he’d been working on developing J.G. Ballard’s novel Concrete Island. “The best way to describe it is it’s like an urban Robinson Crusoe story – a guy crashes a car into a highway interchange and is marooned in this weedy lot, injured, and can’t escape and he’s basically trying to survive in the middle of the big urban Metropolis. It’s sort of a crazy, cool Ballard-esque type story, but Christian’s on board to do that when we can fit it into his schedule, of course.”
“‘All Lost Souls’ is something that didn’t pan out,” Anderson told us about one of his long-gestating projects and he also mentioned writing something that would take him outside the horror genre. “I’ve got another one that I’m writing right now. It’s not a horror movie or a dark movie, it’s just a historical drama set in the 18th Century about the first woman to navigate down the Amazon River in Brazil, kind of an adventure story really. Then a few other things.”
Look for our full video interview with Anderson next week before Vanishing on 7th Street opens in New York on February 18 and other cities in the weeks to come. (It’s also currently available on VOD, iTunes, Netflix and other outlets if you can’t wait that long.)
Source: Edward Douglas