Cast & crew descend on New Bev this week
Shock Till You Drop and Phil Blankenship of the New Bev are proud to announce we’ll be holding a special advance screening of the Clive Barker adaptation Dread. The film doesn’t open until January 29, when it rolls out with its fellow After Dark Horrorfest titles, but we’ve made a sneak preview possible.
Mark your calendars: January 23 at 11:59pm. Writer-director Anthony DiBlasi will be on hand for a Q&A. He’ll be joined by cast members Shaun Evans, Hanne Steen and Laura Donnelly. Barker’s attendance is pending based on his schedule.
You can now purchase advance tickets for the screening right here.
Barker was kind enough to sketch an original piece of art for this event. We have worked it into the official flyer and we’ll be raffling off the original art at the screening!
For our full Dread set report, click here.
Source: Ryan Rotten, Managing Editor